It Funny How Half My Family Gets New Phones and Suddenly My Old Phone Shits Down

We've brainstormed 101 things to do when your parents take away your cell phone. Because it WILL happen and the withdrawals are real. And painful.

Granted, my kids have stricter parents than you do (according to them), but I'm certain 98.72% of smartphone-owning kids have experienced the removal of cell phone privileges. It can be extremely traumatizing, but there's hope!

Once the initial shock is over, you can battle serious withdrawals—and believe you me, you'll have them—by distracting yourself with other activities.

It's hard to believe you can do things without phone in hand, but trust me on this one.

I have two teenager daughters who've experienced the pain of cell phone loss; it wasn't pretty. With that in mind, the three of us put our heads together and brainstormed a list of 101 things to do when your parents take away your cell phone.

And guess what? We didn't use our phones to create the list.*

* That doesn't mean they weren't texting or browsing Pinterest while brainstorming, but I'll take what I can get.

Also, you probably won't want to share this article with your parents because I'm totally providing a link to the best parental control apps.

What can I say? I take my parenting and cell phone management seriously.

girl with a phone

101 Things to Do When Your Parents Take Away Your Phone

  1. Beg for the return of your phone.
  2. Sing "Bohemian Rhapsody" in its entirety.
  3. Sketch a picture of your phone.
  4. Dream about your phone.
  5. Watch your friends use their phones.
  6. Fingerpaint.
  7. Bake cookies.
  8. Make a bowl of Easy Mac.
  9. Hang out with friends.
  10. Go on a walk.
  11. Go to the gym.
  12. Go to the mall.
  13. Play air guitar.
  14. Play real guitar.
  15. Dust off (and practice) your instrument.
  16. Volunteer.
  17. Write a poem.
  18. Write in your journal. (Wreck This Journal is a great one.)
  19. Do homework.
  20. Practice times tables.
  21. Practice long division.
  22. Play a game (other than Candy Crush, Angry Birds or Clash of Clans).
  23. Make up a game.
  24. Jump on a trampoline.
  25. Doorbell ditch friends.
  26. Play Ultimate Frisbee at a park.
  27. Crochet.
  28. Indulge in a mani/pedi.
  29. Take a shower.
  30. Do random acts of kindness.
  31. Wash the car.
  32. Think about cleaning your room.
  33. Do your laundry.
  34. Play Just Dance (all 8 or so versions).
  35. Write a story.
  36. Read the entire works of Shakespeare. (A Midsummer's Night's Dream is a good place to start.)
  37. Eat Top Ramen. (Don't forget to scramble an egg in the soup!)
  38. Make your bed.
  39. Write a letter.
  40. Check your grades.
  41. Bother your parents.
  42. Bother your siblings.
  43. Build with LEGOs.
  44. Take a nap.
  45. Blow bubbles.
  46. Draw with sidewalk chalk.
  47. Pray for the safe return of your cell phone.
  48. Play paper football.
  49. Spin around in circles until you vomit.
  50. Make a paper clip chain.
  51. Play a pickup game of basketball.
  52. See how many full outfits you can find under your bed.
  53. Play in the sprinklers (unless it's the middle of winter).
  54. Watch every episode of Studio C.
  55. Come up with super cool hashtags like #whatsthepointofhashtagswithoutaphone.
  56. Practice pen spinning. (Maybe try this tutorial first.)
  57. Play Pandora at full blast.
  58. Beg (again) for the return of your phone.
  59. Try on your mom's old prom dresses.
  60. Write a love letter to your secret crush.
  61. "Like" every status on Facebook from ye old desktop computer.
  62. Play Chubby Bunny.
  63. Create something out of pipe cleaners.
  64. Teach your pet a new trick.
  65. Paint your pet's nails. Unless it's a snake. Or a fish. Or a poisonous toad.
  66. Give yourself dreads.
  67. Try a new makeup style courtesy of YouTube.
  68. Find your mom's hidden candy stash.
  69. Eat the last box of Thin Mints in the freezer.
  70. Hide your mom's Diet Coke. (Risky but fun!)
  71. Attempt to throw Cheerios into your sibling's mouth.
  72. Dejunk your closet.
  73. Write your Christmas wish list.
  74. Channel Adele in the shower.
  75. Start a 1000-piece puzzle.
  76. Finish a 1000-piece puzzle.
  77. Relive childhood memories with your sister until you laugh so hard you pee your pants.
  78. Clean out the backyard shed.
  79. Paint your fingernails and toenails in some sort of crazy pattern.
  80. Watch every episode of Good Mythical Morning.
  81. Watch every episode of Nerdy Nummies and wonder why you don't have a YouTube channel.
  82. Try to find all those missing socks the dryer ate.
  83. See how long you can hold your breath.
  84. Sing every camp song you know.
  85. Recreate something you've seen on Pinterest.
  86. Grab some friends and do a Pentatonix cover.
  87. Start and finish a game of Risk.
  88. Play a rousing game of Solitaire.
  89. Doorbell ditch your neighbor with a plate of cookies.
  90. Design a new emoji. (Sorry, the unicorn and poop have already been done.)
  91. Sharpie eyes and a nose on your chin and play chin puppets. Okay, maybe don't use Sharpie.
  92. Sing "99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall." Twice.
  93. Air text.
  94. Write a haiku about how much you miss your phone.
  95. Chug a gallon of milk and see if you're the first person in history to keep it down.
  96. Watch the Top 5 Jimmy Fallon Lip Sync Battles and every James Corden Carpool Karaoke.
  97. Play Exploding Kittens. And then play it again.
  98. Build a blanket fort.
  99. Wait for water to boil.
  100. Become a master of disguise.
  101. Apologize for what you did that led to the removal of your phone and promise to NEVER do it again.

What do you do to keep busy when your parents take away your phone? Share your ideas in the comments below!

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