The Art of Qigong by Kenneth Cohen Five Elements

Daoist qigong techniques requite hope of longevity and self-healing.

Detailed descriptions of postural alignment, movement, breathing and apply of attention combine with a wealth of photographs to provide an easy-learning tool for the world's most famous qigong organization.

"John DuCane has taken an ancient Chinese arrangement, developed nearly 2,000 years ago, and put together a practical and workable Qigong program for today's modern lifestyles. The 5 Animals Frolics Qigong system is a series of exercises adult by ancient physicians that combines principles of Chinese medicine with shamanic healing systems. Its goal is to combine a wide range of movement, special breathing patterns, and visualization to awaken the internal power of self-healing. John DuCane gives a stiff demonstration of The Five Animals Frolics and clear instruction on each of these exercises that is beneficial to those commencement Qiong, as well as to seasoned practitioners."

—Rob Bracco, Editorial review for

Daoism celebrates and cultivates the art of living in accordance with the cyclical play of natural energies, maintaining an easy, humorous, yet commonsense approach to everyday life. Daoism cultivates our capacity to spiral from the serene and tranquil to the energetic and dynamic. In this spirit, the Daoists created refined qigong systems of meditative motion to induce harmony with nature, generate energy, and at the highest levels, to achieve spiritual illumination.

Qigong teaches us to harmonize body, mind and breath while using scientifically choreographed movements to stimulate or relax our energy. Qigong bolsters the primal, reproductive vitality, or "jing"; it potentiates the daily bioelectrical energy, or "qi"; and it refines the lite of our radiant spirit, or "shen". Imagine yourself equally a candle: the candle torso is your jing, the flame is your qi, and the candle calorie-free your shen. These three treasures are interdependent. Tillage of the one leads to cultivation of the others, just as neglect or dissipation of the one will adversely impact the others.

Qigong divides into ii main categories—the tranquil and the dynamic. But, typically of Daoist practice, tranquil qigong will have a dynamic component—motionless on the surface, yet moving the qi internally. Dynamic qigong volition also cultivate tranquility, learning to movement vigorously from a still core. Skillful practitioners acquire to exist aware of and contain the full spectrum of internal and external activity, equally comfortable with the tranquil or the dynamic, always cultivating the seed of one within the soil of the other.

One of the most delightful and accessible of the dynamic qigongs has to be the Five Animal Frolics. The exercises combine the internal with the external, invigorating the organs and soothing the nervous arrangement, while strengthening and toning the external musculature. They affirm a playful, uninhibited arroyo to meditative movement, allowing for strong benefits without an overly serious slog for results.

The father of Chinese medicine, Hua To concluded that the single greatest hush-hush for a salubrious life lay in the practice of correct movement. His analogy became beloved to the hearts of all tai ji enthusiasts: "A door'south hinge won't get worm-eaten, if you utilize it." Today we would say If you oil and use the hinge." Qigong and tai ji movements, when properly performed, stimulate that internal lubrication of free-flowing qi, claret, and lymph essential to our continued wellness and sense of well being.

Assertive also that the highest healing skill is to teach others to heal themselves, Hua To set out to create a complete self-healing system that anyone could use to stay salubrious or cure themselves of virtually ailments. Synthesizing and refining a prepare of exercises based on a vast trunk of ancient shamanic and folk healing noesis, he created The Five Animal Frolics. The Frolics incorporate many of the principles of tai ji but in a more bones grade. They are far easier to perform than tai ji, very pleasurable and relatively uncomplicated to maintain every bit a daily practice. Individual sequences can be used equally quick, invigorating stress-buster; the total programme is an exhilarating therapeutic feel.

The exercises model movement from the crane, the conduct, the monkey, the tiger, and the deer. These are animals with very distinctive styles of movement. The thought is not merely to mimic the external motions of the brute, but to internalize the nature of that animal as yous exercise. Each Frolic too emphasizes dissimilar wellness benefits and you can choose a specific brute for specific results. Their movements class arcs, spirals, waves and spins, in accord with the Chinese belief that circular move underlies all mental and subtle energetic activeness. To avert imbalance, the movements are sometimes ho-hum, sometimes fast, and are deliberately designed to alternately strengthen and soften the body.

Run into John DuCane's 5 Beast Frolic Videos

V82: Tranquility Qigong - An instructional guide to The Crane Frolic

V83: Power Qigong - An instructional guide to The Carry & Tiger Frolics

V84: Vitality Qigong - An instructional guide to The Monkey & Deer Frolics

Praise for John DuCane's Bliss Qigong video

"John DuCane has created a good tape for learning some bones qigong practices. The education is clear and easily understood. The Bliss Qigong movements are clearly explained in this tape, and are appropriate for beginners or experienced practitioners. Instructions are given in a logical manner and at a footstep that anyone can follow. His instruction style is gentle and the movements are non hard to learn. His delivery is even and his manner inspires confidence. Along with teaching the movements, he includes information about qi and how information technology feels and functions in context of the exercises. There is not a lot of flash and glitter in the presentation, simply straightforward instruction every bit if y'all were in the room with your teacher. This tape is easily amid the all-time I take seen in the genre, and I would not hesitate to buy more of John DuCane's works. I find the quality of his instruction to exist in the same league every bit that of Ken Cohen and Chunyi Lin."

Jon Norris, La Grande, OR


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